
Showing posts from 2018

Advice To Grihastha ( Householder ) -2. Sri Swami Sivananda

08/12/2018 2.1 Every householder should perform the following Yajnas. The fire place, the water pot, the cutting, grinding and sweeping apparatuses are the five places where injury to life is committed, daily. The sins committed here are said to be washed away by the five Maha Yajnas which every Dwija (householder) ought to perform and which are intended to satisfy the Bhutas, the Rishis, the men, the gods and the Pitrus. The five great Yajnas (Pancha Maha Yajnas) are: (1) Deva Yajna: This consists of offering oblations unto Devatas or gods with recitation of Vedic Mantras; (2) Rishi Yajna: This consists of study of Vedas and teaching of Vedas to students and offering of oblations to Rishis; (3) Pitru Yajna: It consists of Tarpana or oblations to departed souls and Sraddha or annual religious rites performed for departed souls; (4) Bhuta Yajna: This is distribution of food to cows, crows and animals. This develops cosmic love and an Advaitic feeling of oneness; and (...

Advice To Grihastha ( Householder ) 1. Sri Swami Sivananda

18/11/2018 1. The Ashramas or stages of life are four, viz., Brahmacharya, the stage of student life; Grihastha, the stage of householder life; Vanaprastha, the stage of seclusion (forest-living); and Sannyasa, the stage of total renunciation. Each order of life has its own duties. In none of these stages must a man grasp at the special duties of the other three. At the present moment, it is difficult to maintain or observe the exact details of the ancient rules, as the conditions have changed very much. But, if we can have a clear idea of the fundamental duties of each, we shall still be able to shape the life through a regulated course of development and steady growth. The student, after finishing his studies, enters the order of Grihastha, when he is ready to take up the duties and responsibilities of household life. Of all Ashramas, that of the householder is the highest as he verily supports the other three. As all the streams and rivers flow to rest in the ocean, even so...