The Laws and the Stages of Life in Sanatana Dharmam (Hinduism )-2. : Swami Krishnananda.
============================================================== ============================================================== Monday, April 19, 2022. 06:00. 2.#THE ASHRAMAS : ============================================================== The grouping of life into the pursuit of the four Purusharthas is the basis of the ancient ethics of India. Every act of the human being pertains to one or the other of these aims. The ethical system in India is connected with the mode of life to be lived by one as a Brahmacharin, Grihastha, Vanaprastha or Sannyasin, which are the four orders (Asramas) or stages of life. It is the injunction of the scripture that a person cannot remain in a stage which is none of these four strata of society. 1.BRAHMACHARYAM : Brahmacharya is the first stage of life, which is lived in the observance of the vow of perfect continence and celibacy under the guidance of a preceptor and dedicated especially to the study of the Vedas and other scriptures. The Kshatriya ...