The Nature of the True Religious Life - 1.4. - Swami Krishnananda.
========================================================================= Monday, January 30, 2023. 06:00. Chapter 1: We are Mysterious Somethings - 4. ========================================================================= Many times you may feel, “I am unwanted, helpless, a poor nothing. Who cares for me?” This kind of feeling may sometimes enter into your mind. But be certain, at least from this moment onwards, that you are not a helpless nobody. Every moment you are seen by somebody. Millions of eyes are looking at you, and everything that you do is known everywhere, just as any occurrence in any part of your body is known to the whole body. If a stone hits a toe of your foot, it is not only the toe that knows that this event has taken place. The whole body knows that the toe has been hit by a stone. This analogy will explain your relationship to things. The universe is your family. Calcutta, New York—these are not your locations. This little example that I placed before you of t...