The Nature of the True Religious Life - 2.7. - Swami Krishnananda.
============================================================== Monday, 15 Jan 2023. 05:30. Mysticism Chapter 2: The Religious Ideal of God-realisation - 7. =============================================================== How could you be free by knowing your own self? You can have some idea as to how this could be. Knowing your own self is not knowing yourself as so-and-so. You have already understood to some extent that you are not any of these things—neither a man nor a woman, not even a body, not even a mind, not even a human being. Therefore, to know your own self would be to enter into the impersonal quintessence of your being, which is also the quintessential essence of everything else. When you sink below the surface of a wave in the ocean, you have touched the ocean, which is the root of all the other waves at the same time. So is the case when you go deep into your own self; you have touched the depths of everybody in the world. So to know yourself is to know ...