Education is a Process of Enlightenment - 2. Swami Krishnananda.



Thursday, March 25, 2021. 07:18. AM.
(Spoken on July 26, 1976.)

So there is a need to go into the depths of the very processes of knowledge before we enter into the field of education. The psychology of education is a precedent to the pursuit of the real progress in education. It has been said that education is the process of the revelation of the perfection that is already in the human being. This is a maxim which makes out that there is what is called perfection, and all knowledge is a pursuit of perfection. Perfection means completeness in every respect, and that which is complete should be so both outwardly as well as inwardly. A partial observation and partial knowledge of any object cannot be regarded as perfection in knowledge.

The system of physical education which introduces the techniques of perfection of the body has perforce to take into consideration other factors on which the body is dependent. The body cannot be perfect if the mind is unhealthy. Whatever be the perfection of the body from the physical point of view, if the mind is sick there is no harmony between the two. Thus, there is a need to combine psychology with physical education but this requires, again, a knowledge of the mind.

The mind, especially in Western psychology, is regarded as an instrument of cognition by the individual personality. It is believed in the field of Western psychology that the mind is an instrument of knowledge upon which impressions are formed by objects outside. Knowledge is regarded as the cognition of the impression on the mind made by objects from outside, but that is not the whole of the truth. It does not mean that the mind is like wax upon which impressions are made by solid things outside. If the mind is so passive, there would have been a kind of uniformity of perception of different objects in the world by different individuals.

Modern educational psychology has come to the conclusion that the mind is not only passively influenced by objects, but it also has something to actively contribute to the nature of things. There is a reciprocal action of the object and the mind in every act of cognition. This means to say that we are not living in isolated individual worlds, but in a wider world of objects and minds. This would necessitate a harmony of oneself not only with outside things but with society in general. So even a profound understanding of the techniques of physical education will land us in the necessity to study psychology as well as sociology.

To be continued ...



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