The Nature of the True Religious Life - 1.3. - Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================= ======================================================================== Thursday, December 08, 2022. 06:00. Chapter 1: We are Mysterious Somethings - 3. ======================================================================== I can give a very humorous example to illustrate this. It is very simple, but it will open your eyes to some startling facts. There is a watch, and it is supported by something. What is it that supports this watch? This little desk, this small table is the support of this watch. What is it that supports this small table? This floor. If the floor were not there, the table would not be standing here, and the watch would not be in this position. What is it that supports the floor? The beams underneath. If the beams were removed, the whole floor would collapse. What is it that supports the beams? The walls underneath. What is it that supports the walls? The Earth at the bottom. What is it th...