
Showing posts from 2022

The Nature of the True Religious Life - 1.3. - Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================== Thursday, December 08, 2022. 06:00. Chapter 1: We are Mysterious Somethings - 3. ======================================================================== I can give a very humorous example to illustrate this. It is very simple, but it will open your eyes to some startling facts. There is a watch, and it is supported by something. What is it that supports this watch? This little desk, this small table is the support of this watch. What is it that supports this small table? This floor. If the floor were not there, the table would not be standing here, and the watch would not be in this position. What is it that supports the floor? The beams underneath. If the beams were removed, the whole floor would collapse. What is it that supports the beams? The walls underneath. What is it that supports the walls? The Earth at the bottom. What is it th...

The Nature of the True Religious Life - 1.2. - Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================== ========================================================================= Sunday, October 30, 2022. 08:30. Chapter 1: We are Mysterious Somethings - 2. ========================================================================= When we begin to get introduced into our relationship with the community outside, education starts. Education begins the moment we begin to realise that we are not confined only to the family—parents, brothers, sisters, etc. The art of conducting ourselves harmoniously in relation to the community and to the people outside the family may be said to be the beginning of education. We know very well how important it is to be harmoniously coordinated with people outside the family also. Then education expands. It is not enough if we know only our little community. We are introduced into the larger background of the geography and the history of the place in which we are living. Our comprehension e...

The Nature of the True Religious Life - 1.1 - Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= ========================================================================= Sunday, August 14, 2022. 07:30. Chapter 1: We are Mysterious Somethings - 1. ======================================================================== The Academy of Yoga and Vedanta has invited you for participating in a specific type of training, as you all know very well.  When you applied for admission into this course, you had naturally an unintelligible feeling within that the way in which you are living in the world at present requires a streamlining and a reorientation. If this conviction or feeling were not to be there in your minds, you would not have come here. There was a sort of inadequacy and lacuna that you felt in the way in which you lived in the world, though it might not have always been clear to you what that lacuna was, and what it was that you were lacking. -----------------------------------------------------------...

The Laws and the Stages of Life in Sanatana Dharmam (Hinduism ) -3 : Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================== ====================================================================== Friday, June 10, 2022. 06:00. 2.#THE ASHRAMAS : 4.SANNYASAM :  ======================================================================= In its true spirit, Sannyasa is a spiritual state, and not a social classification, in which established one learns the art of depending on the Supreme Being by withdrawal of interest from the particular sources of support in the world. This condition is, however, not suddenly reached, and four stages even in the order of Sannyasa are recognised. In the first three stages, called the Kutichaka, Bahudaka and Hamsa, the Sannyasin lives in fixed residences – but in an increasing degree of freedom from the need for comfort – and the stages are distinguished by the increasing intensity of restrictions, in an ascending order, which the Sannyasin imposes on himself. The fourth stage is of the Paramahamsa, who...

The Laws and the Stages of Life in Sanatana Dharmam (Hinduism )-2. : Swami Krishnananda.

 ============================================================== ============================================================== Monday, April 19, 2022. 06:00. 2.#THE ASHRAMAS : ============================================================== The grouping of life into the pursuit of the four Purusharthas is the basis of the ancient ethics of India. Every act of the human being pertains to one or the other of these aims. The ethical system in India is connected with the mode of life to be lived by one as a Brahmacharin, Grihastha, Vanaprastha or Sannyasin, which are the four orders (Asramas) or stages of life. It is the injunction of the scripture that a person cannot remain in a stage which is none of these four strata of society. 1.BRAHMACHARYAM : Brahmacharya is the first stage of life, which is lived in the observance of the vow of perfect continence and celibacy under the guidance of a preceptor and dedicated especially to the study of the Vedas and other scriptures. The Kshatriya ...

The Laws and the Stages of Life in Sanatana Dharmam (Hinduism )- 1 : Swami Krishnananda.

 ============================================================= ============================================================ Monday, March 07, 2022. 06:00. 1.#THE PURUSHARTHAS : ============================================================= #Life has been always regarded in India as a process of progressive self-transcendence from the realm of matter (Annamaya-Jivatva) to the realisation of supreme spiritual bliss (Parama-Ananda).  #Human values and ends in life have been classified into the scheme of the fourfold pursuit (Purushartha) of existence, viz., : *1. the practice of righteousness and goodness (Dharma),  *2. the effort towards earning of the necessary material values (Artha),  *3. the fulfillment of permissible desires through honest means (Kama),  *4. and the endeavour for the final salvation of the soul (Moksha).  #This analysis is based on a broad understanding of the different levels of individuals in relation to the Universe. ------------------...

Education is a Process of Enlightenment - 7. Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================= Ram navmi program ================================================== Tuesday, January 11, 2022. 6:00. AM. (Spoken on July 26, 1976.) Post-7. ================================================= In practical life, universality manifests itself as unselfishness. The more are we unselfish, the more are we tending towards universality. Hence, our unselfishness is the test of our happiness. To be unselfish would be to also include the features of other human beings in our life. So unselfishness is not really absence of the self but an inclusion of the selves of others in greater and greater degrees. Unselfishness means the negation of the demands of the egoistic self and the inclusion of the needs of others selves also. So again we come to the point of considering the world outside at the same time we consider the needs of our inner life. It amounts to saying that when a person enters the field of education, one enters the field of the uni...