Education is a Process of Enlightenment - 7. Swami Krishnananda.
Ram navmi program
Tuesday, January 11, 2022. 6:00. AM.
(Spoken on July 26, 1976.)
In practical life, universality manifests itself as unselfishness. The more are we unselfish, the more are we tending towards universality. Hence, our unselfishness is the test of our happiness. To be unselfish would be to also include the features of other human beings in our life. So unselfishness is not really absence of the self but an inclusion of the selves of others in greater and greater degrees. Unselfishness means the negation of the demands of the egoistic self and the inclusion of the needs of others selves also.
So again we come to the point of considering the world outside at the same time we consider the needs of our inner life. It amounts to saying that when a person enters the field of education, one enters the field of the universe itself. We are placing our foot in the ocean, which is both vast and deep. So my humble prayer to you all is that in your organisational setup of physical education, etc., you bear in mind the needs of common life in harmony with the laws of nature as a whole.
These days we have various petty divisions created by human minds, such as differences of race, colour, gender and wealth, and superiorities and inferiorities of various kinds which bar the very effort at real education. Human prejudice has become the great obstacle in real culture, and it is futile to try to have real success in life or to enter into a field of real culture or universal amity as long as human barriers in the form of this prejudice persist.
Well, it is very difficult to get out of these prejudices. We are born into them. But then, what is education if it is not the attempt to get out of this? In the school of education all these accretions that have falsely grown over us are scrubbed off, and we become more and more resplendent in our true nature. Our lives begins to reveal our true human nature rather than racial or other differentiating characters. Education is neither Western nor Eastern, but human, and therefore, we have to bear in mind that we are humans, and not merely of the West or the East. Ultimately, we rise above even the difference of gender and confront life as a manifestation of the impersonal Spirit.
The educational career is one of utter self-sacrifice. Really speaking, you are becoming more and more divine in your nature when you become more cultured and educated. So I conclude by saying your aim is external as well as internal, physical, vital, psychological, intellectual, spiritual, social and universal. You are going to realise finally, as the summit of your education, that you are a citizen of this universe, rather than of a clan or a country.
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